Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Ten days

So I have officially made my room livable for some semblance of human habitatoion. Yay! I really wish I had two rooms though. apartement, Yes... a three bedroom apartement one room for me, one for a roomie perhaps and the third would allow me to have a studio! I need space just to store my art supplies let alone to use them. I really only have space to do sketches right now, small drawings where I can sit in the living room. So I am at least determined to continue that one! I have twenty pages left empty in my Harlow if I can do teo a day it'll be done by next week. Yay! Then onto other things, I ahve christmas presents I need to make, and buy.... My Mum wants a painting of my neice. So I figure I can try and get that done..maybe - water colour or acrylic I am not sure.... Every eight hours or so I'm trying to put a coat of stain on my donkey...So far I fail at staining wood and it looks horribly uneven. Sand off and try again I guess? Haven't gotten back to clay cafe to finish my skull...Really need to get that done soon, tomorrow maybe...

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