Saturday, January 16, 2010

Decsion making?

Okay! Woo! So there are some really good looking courses offered at the Anna Templeton Center come Febuary! Now problem is I can likely only afford to do one of them. So! Portrait drawing? Or Figure drawing? I love both....but chances are I could use the portrait drawing class to advance my skills and then maybe get into doing some comissions? Also...and I know this is a stupid question to ask but I have no one here to make benign decisions for me anymore. I am going to do a mini-project on food. Should I..... use a little pink recycled sketchbook with 25 pages? Orrr, a pretty black one same size but with 100 pages.... Seems logical to me to use the 25 page one. Cause then one can feel accomplish after filling it and move onto another one! Problem is I was thinking of using the small one for soemthing else but I'm not likely to ever startt hat other idea. Yes.... yes, these are the sorts of decisions that plague my mind. Sad isn't it?


  1. Well, if you're unlikely to ever use it for anything else then go with the pink one. The pink one makes me think of sweets anyway. Unless you know you'll end up using more than 25 pages. Then you should go with the 100 one. The other decision is too big - go with what you're most inclined to do. Your reasoning for taking the portrait one is pretty sound.

  2. When ever posed with the question- figure drawing or portrait drawing, I go with figure drawing every time... but that's just me. Unless there's no instruction, in which case do the portrait, cause it's always nice to suck someone else's information for a while instead of JUST practicing...

    Also, deff use the pink sketchbook. DEFF.

  3. Pink! alright.... and I've been faced with another question....Do courses with Anna Templeton Center? orrrr MUN's Lifelong learning? I think I;m afraid of downtown parking

  4. I don't know what either of those things are, so I can't help you there! Sorryyy!!! Do whichever is best for your ART even if parking is scary... Helpful? Not sure. But I tried! <3
