Monday, December 7, 2009

So far as I got....

I was fooling around with Photoshop and tried to do a grayscale image of...dun dun dunn...My Doll! Yes, yes I know. Sooo this is as far as I got with it before my trial period finished up and I can no longer work on it anymore.


  1. You know what this need to buy a copy. In the mean time when next we meet bring what you need and I'll let you borrow my laptop to finish it - because it's looking good!

  2. Yea, I ended up buying a copy. BOO money, YAY programs!

    I like the look of this! The texture on the boa looks great! =)

  3. I didn't get to finish cause my kitten was being annoying. As I was about to type- I like how painterly it looks, kind of reminds me of Dark Crystal! Love that movie!

  4. Hahaha I see it perfectly now. I love the texture, quite feathery. haha BUT come on, in my defense, you're Krystin and I KNOW you love boas.
