Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ahhh comission.

So through my mum I got myself a portrait comission.
Nothing major, a watercolour for a christmas presents of two boys.
Et Voila.

Friday, October 15, 2010

I'm not dead!

Just really bad creativity block?
I blame the painting....you know the one...the evil one....perspectives off on those damnable jellybean houses....Will be working on it all weekend.
Bright side.... I coloured in more of my all but forgotten food drawings. And will have more to post later.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Sketches from break at work.

These were older, just forgot to post them.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

More Work Sketchin

I like drawing with a ballpoint pen. Dunno why, but I do.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I had about ten minutes today when there were no customers, and all the shirts were folded and pretty....so I tried drawing. I really should do this more often, just quick sketches, doodles. I miss doodling.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tezza Girl

Some photos of my girl. Hah, you have to open the second one to see it fully. wel, same for the last one too.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

BoyWonder bag

Dumping photos from my crap camera today, realized I had completely forgotten to post this! So this was the finished product pencil case/makeup bag I made so many months ago. My sewing abilities aren't exactly store quality, but I'm learning... now if I actually sat down at the machine more often and practiced...I should make clothes or something.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Stolen Arts

...well not really. Uninspired lately..well not so much uninspired just...bleh. not alot of time for 'arting' with work and doing a seminar course. But!! the cours eis now over, I am esl certified...and while I was in classes I had my sketchbook! and over time this developed. It is in part taken by a drawing by Jill Fog. Right Here!! Made me think of a bird-man.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sad little bald man

Playing with my camera again...well a little. Mostly just to take doll photos. So voila! that's what these are, as if it weren't obvious.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I wantto ahev a fishtank again, bit I haev nowhere to put one.


Monday, April 19, 2010

A little known fact...

turtles liked cupcakes too.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010


only like 14 more to go!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Running out of steam

Forcing myself to keep doing this.To keep doing anything. So yeah, a banana split... and an eye! Drew this from a drawing book during recess on monday.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

POP! Ba-dum dum dum dummm

Lolli-pop Lolli-pop Oh lala lolli lolli Lolli-Pop!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Hot totty

...or Hot Chocolate. This is both prismacolour marker and pencils together. I think I've learned how I want to use my pencils from now on. Or at least to start trying to use them.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Hotels Are Awesome.

Mostly because theres breakfast buffets, someone cleaning your room, a tv you can choose many a movie on, And little else to do at night but...dundundunnnn draw! Okay so lies, there were other things to o, and I got to see people! And Buy lovely pastels and markers during my days in Halifax. But look! Cherry Blossom. And there will even be more tomorrow!

Monday, February 22, 2010


...it just sounds so much more FUN then cupcakes.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Drawing Jam!

Not exactly the most clever of puns or presentation. Hehe, but It works! This is drawn to be the cover of the little sketchbook in which all of my drawings for the weekly themes at The Place to Be will be held.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

People Watching

I should really go out more. Just sit places, watch people. try and draw them. Saturday night was lisa's gong away party, she's going to Ireland! Lucky Duck. Anyways, duting the course of the party I got to be amused by Lisa's very drunk and supposedly straight cousin hit on Kate Urquehart (I think I'm very much spelling her name wrong here) Anyways, it was....fun. I tried to draw them... Kate was very stiff, poor dear. The cousin however kept moving....so she looks sort of like a sketched out lecher.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

With or Without?

Yay for being prodictive! Yes, I'm actully doing something today... Okay, doing art trade things, and this one i should have been working on for ages but sad little thing got tucked aside. But I will get t done this week! So anywaysss...shouldn't even be postingthis here I think, but I need opinions! With? Or Without? It's going to be embroidered...I'm thinking, change purse? or....makeup bag? I dunno.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Decsion making?

Okay! Woo! So there are some really good looking courses offered at the Anna Templeton Center come Febuary! Now problem is I can likely only afford to do one of them. So! Portrait drawing? Or Figure drawing? I love both....but chances are I could use the portrait drawing class to advance my skills and then maybe get into doing some comissions? Also...and I know this is a stupid question to ask but I have no one here to make benign decisions for me anymore. I am going to do a mini-project on food. Should I..... use a little pink recycled sketchbook with 25 pages? Orrr, a pretty black one same size but with 100 pages.... Seems logical to me to use the 25 page one. Cause then one can feel accomplish after filling it and move onto another one! Problem is I was thinking of using the small one for soemthing else but I'm not likely to ever startt hat other idea. Yes.... yes, these are the sorts of decisions that plague my mind. Sad isn't it?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ever wonder?

So it's past two am, I'm sitting here.... jobless yet again, lacking something integral to life... what's that you say? Inspiration...yes, I have no inspiration, let alone Drive.... I do however have a big ole list of things I need to do to improve my life...amongst other less important things though...they still need to get done to make things easier Like...get my dog nuetered. On the bright side he's a little better behaved since I started putting him on the tredmill. Dear Cesar Millan you are my hero. So anyways...tv's going.....and have you even seen those call thsi 1-800 number Art Institute commercials? You ever wonder about doing them? I looked it up, it's 27 lessons through correspondace, and costs 3,000 dollars. On one hand, I'd ben interested in doing it....on the other. I think wtf did you go to four years of Art School for?! But you know what? I don't always know that I got alot out of my four years at Grenfell.... Really through no fault of my own. Honestly? I haven't gotten a lot out of the past like..six years of my life. Some things sure of course! Well...nice Uni friends... went to England....and Thailand. And I know I shouldn't take anything I HAVE gotten for granted. I donn't.... I just know if I was different I could have gotten a whole lot more. I could have done more. Gotten better grades, met more people, gone more places.... Okay.... so that's my ranting for... uhm, this week? No garuntees it won't happen again. Well not really ranting...more..negative thinking.... But it leads to positive! I've got a plan.... just need to stick with it. But.... >,> to take an art class?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Martha Stewart eat your heart out!!....

Or roll over in your grave..oh..wait, she's still alive isn't she? Ahwell...So this is my birthday cake! What you ren't seeing is the toher side of it where the cake stuck to thepan and completely fell apart. Heeee yay! I love how I fail at baking cakes and cookies. I can make bread though! Frog shaped bread too...so thats something.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Harder then it looks ><

So since Christmas I have been periodically working on my bjd trying to customise him. It....is not easy. Despite the frustration it is fun1 So I plan on wiping away the faceups I didand redoing them...or trying something different.I'm thinking I want the boy to look natural. I planned on using the open eyed head on him. >,> But I think I really liked the 'romantic' head more... Just not keen on the crater where the horn goes.So anyways!! Pretty pictures I had to take out in the cold cold wind..